Schema-Backed Visual Queries over Europeana and other Linked Data Resources

Demo authors

Karlis Cerans, Julija Ovcinnikova, Uldis Bojars, Mikus Grasmanis, Lelde Lace, Aiga Romane
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia

Visual Queries: Explore Europeana and other data sets

Data schema used for query auto-completion both in visual constructs and textual expressions

Query environment Open
Register as a new user (email checking not done), then create a new project; to start working with Europeana, choose 'Initialize by Europeana example project'.
Alternatively, the same project contents can be uploaded after the empty project creation from this link (see the table below for other available example projects).

See the ViziQuer main page for query support resources.

Check out the code for local tool setup (Docker-based running options available, as well).

Schema extraction Schema extractor builds the data schema, comprising classes, properties, their relations, as well as cardinalities, triple count statistics and the lists of principal source/target classes for a property. Check the paper for details.

Check out the schema extractor from GitHub (an executable .jar file is available in the build folder).
Note. The executable starts a service that can be accessed by default at localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html. Use (version 2) for detailed schema extraction.

SHACL data shapes Generation of SHACL data shapes describing the actual data format is currently available from within the visual tool.
The SHACL file involves auto-generated node shapes for all classes as well as their respective property shapes for both incoming and outgoing links. The cardinalities are computed and the other end of the link are characterized, where possible.

The extended SHACL mode includes instance and triple count statistics to characterize the profile of a property shape at a class.

Results Links to the projects, schemas and extraction process details

Europeana British National Bibliography
Endpoint access SPARQL endpoint
Named graph: ""
SPARQL endpoint
Example visual tool project (pre-configured with the endpoint data and the schema; involves some query examples; can be loaded into the visual environment) Europeana example project BNB example project
Data schema (visual tool internal .json format, obtained via extraction; can be examined as text/json or loaded into the visual tool) Europeana data schema BNB data schema
Data shapes in SHACL (saved from the visual tool) Basic SHACL for Europeana
Extended SHACL for Europeana
Basic SHACL for BNB
Extended SHACL for BNB
Schema extraction log (shows the steps performed during the schema extraction) Europeana schema extraction log BNB schema extraction log

Notes Images of visual queries over the Europeana endpoint (.pdf).

The paper
  • Karlis Cerans, Julija Ovcinnikova, Uldis Bojars, Mikus Grasmanis, Lelde Lace, Aiga Romane Schema-Backed Visual Queries over Europeana and other Linked Data Resources . Demonstration at ESWC 2021.

  • Contacts E-mail regarding the paper.
    E-mail for support (incl. server problem/downtime reports), local installation options and other ViziQuer-related matters