ViziQuer: A Visual Notation and Tool for RDF Data Analysis Queries

Supplementary material to support a submission to MTSR 2018 conference.

ViziQuer/web main page Visit ViziQuer/web main page for the most recent developments of the visual query tool.

Tool environment Try the tool online to graphically construct and execute rich data analysis queries over RDF data
Consult ViziQuer/web main page for introduction to the tool and resources to set up new user projects.

Check out the code to set up the tool locally.

Query_reading test For hospital data query examples and user study 1 (query reading ability) queries see the hospital data example page

User study (IT: ViziQuer and SPARQL)
  • User study description
  • User study tasks (01-10 main tasks, 11-16 extra tasks)
  • Materials available to the participants
  • SPARQL query test environment printout (every ViziQuer diagram can be switched into a "SPARQL only" mode showing the SPARQL entry control and the results pane by pressing the "toggle" button on the diagram toolbar)

  • Data schema The hospital data schema used in user study project.
    See also visualization of the schema (available also in participants' materials)

    Query environment set-up
  • Sign up (create a new user) to the ViziQuer server.
  • Create an empty project (New project), enter the project name (create two empty projects HospitalA and HospitalB).
  • Open the HospitalB project and upload the diagram file Hospital_B.json

    Use the 'Upload project' button:

    For HospitalA project create a new diagram, or upload empty diagram from Hospital_A.json
  • Import the data ontology into both HospitalA and HospitalB projects (use the ‘Import ontology’ button from the project toolbar):

  • Check that in the project settings pane the setting SPARQL Endpoint has the value and the Named Graph is set to MiniBkusEN_1 (the settings should be there, if the project is imported, in any case they can be adjusted manually).

    The settings:

  • Core team
  • Prof. Karlis Cerans
  • Dr. Agris Sostaks
  • Dr. Arturs Sprogis
  • Dr. Lelde Lace
  • Dr. Uldis Bojars
  • Dr. Juris Barzdins
  • Julija Ovcinnikova
  • Mikus Grasmanis
  • We work at Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia

    Earlier research
  • K.Cerans, J.Barzdins, A.Sostaks, J.Ovcinnikova, L.Lace, M.Grasmanis and A.Sprogis. Extended UML Class Diagram Constructs for Visual SPARQL Queries in ViziQuer/web In Voila!2017, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol.1947
  • K.Cerans, J.Ovcinnikova. ViziQuer: Notation and Tool for Data Analysis SPARQL Queries. In Voila!2016, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol.1704
  • K.Cerans, J.Ovcinnikova, M. Zviedris. SPARQL Aggregate Queries made easy with Diagrammatic Query Language ViziQuer. In ISWC 2015 Posters & Demonstrations Track, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol.1486
  • K.Cerans, J.Ovcinnikova, M. Zviedris. Towards Graphical Query Notation for Semantic Databases. In BIR 2015, Springer LNBIP.
  • G. Barzdins, S.Rikacovs, M. Zviedris. Graphical Query Language as SPARQL Frontend. In Local Proceedings of 13th East-European Conference (ADBIS 2009), pp. 93-107. Riga Technical University, Riga. (2009)
  • G.Barzdins, E.Liepins, M.Veilande, M.Zviedris, "Ontology Enabled Graphical Database Query Tool for End-Users", Selected papers from DBIS'2008, Hele-Mai Haav (Eds.), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applicatons series, IOS Press, 2009. 187:105-116